The Architects' Company Digital Archives
Temple Bar, City of London
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At various points in this history, references are made to the Grant of Letters Patent to the Company. The document may also be referred to as the Grant of Arms. The document shown above was presented to the Company following the approval of the Court of Aldermen of the Petition for full Livery status on 13 September 1988. The actual presentation was made by the Rt Hon The Lord Mayor Alderman Sir Christopher Collett at a lunch in the Mansion House on 21 November – the same year attended by members of the Court and a selection of City officers and Aldermen. It was accepted by the Master John Reid OBE on behalf of the Company and then framed, courtesy of Norman Royce OBE, before being held for safekeeping in the vaults of Painter-Stainers’ Hall. It next saw the light of day at a Pan Livery Exhibition in Guildhall some years later when, on the colour photo displayed, it was noted that there was a calligrapher’s typo in the text. Needless to say, the College of Heralds quickly rectified the error. A sepia copy of the unexpurgated version has been used as the endpapers of this book and reference is made to the details elsewhere.
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